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Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/quickrip", line 24, in ?
import gui
File "/usr/share/quickrip/gui.py", line 14, in ?
from guimain import MainWindow
File "/usr/share/quickrip/guimain.py", line 9, in ?
from qt import *
File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/qt.py", line 39, in ?
import libqtc
ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/libqtcmodule.so: undefined
symbol: _ZNK16QAssistantClient9classNameEv
In any event, if you get a Sip/PyQt related error message, please try reinstalling Sip/PyQt and get them to work yourself. Try
installing any Sip/PyQt packages that come for your distribution first, and if that fails, try compiling Sip and PyQt from source
(instructions on how to do this can be found here). You can
get the latest sources (with lots of bug fixes) from:
I don't really have the time to deal with individual cases, and there is a mailing list for Sip/PyQt support if you're not getting anywhere, so please don't contact me asking for help with Sip/PyQt. If you really can't get it to work, you can just use QuickRip's command line interface, so you needn't have a working installation of PyQt :)
QuickRip, Copyright © Tom Chance, 2003-2004 |
Can't call method "do" on an undefined value at /home/project-web/quickrip/cgi-bin/counter.pl line 74.
For help, please send mail to the webmaster (webmaster@sourceforge.net), giving this error message and the time and date of the error.